Wonderful Ways to Love a Teen: A Book

Review For The Busy Parent

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Welcome to my family blog, my name is Ashley and I am a 36-year-old mom of three beautiful children. Today i will be telling you all about this amazing book i read. Atomic Habits.


Parenting is a tough job, and parenting a teenager can be even tougher. The teenage years are a time of great change and development, both physically and emotionally, and it can be challenging for parents to navigate these changes and maintain a strong, loving relationship with their teen. That’s where “Wonderful Ways to Love a Teen” comes in – a book that offers practical advice and strategies for parents who want to strengthen their relationship with their teenager.

Written by Judy Ford, a therapist and parent educator with over 30 years of experience, “Wonderful Ways to Love a Teen” is a valuable resource for busy parents who want to learn how to connect with their teens in meaningful ways. The book is full of practical tips and suggestions that can help parents build stronger relationships with their teens, such as listening actively, setting clear boundaries, and expressing love and appreciation.

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two girls in shirts posing for photo

Key Concepts

“Wonderful Ways to Love a Teen” offers practical strategies for parents who want to build strong, loving relationships with their teenagers. The book emphasizes the importance of active listening, setting clear boundaries, and expressing love and appreciation.

Active listening is a crucial component of building trust and understanding with teens. By listening without interrupting or judging, parents can show their teens that they are valued and respected. The book provides practical tips for active listening, such as using open-ended questions and reflecting back what your teen is saying.

Setting clear boundaries is another key concept that the book explores. Teens need structure and guidance, and clear boundaries can help them feel safe and secure. The book provides practical advice for setting boundaries, such as using clear and concise language, and being consistent with consequences.

Finally, the book emphasizes the importance of expressing love and appreciation to your teen. Teens need to feel loved and valued in order to develop healthy self-esteem and a positive self-image. The book provides practical tips for expressing love and appreciation, such as using positive affirmations and showing interest in your teen’s interests and hobbies.

Application to Parenting

The concepts and strategies presented in “Wonderful Ways to Love a Teen” can be applied by parents in a variety of ways to improve their relationship with their teenager. By actively listening to their teen, parents can gain a deeper understanding of their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, which can help them build a stronger bond with their child. Setting clear boundaries can help parents establish structure and consistency in their household, which can lead to a sense of safety and security for their teen. Finally, expressing love and appreciation can help teens feel valued and supported, which can improve their self-esteem and overall well-being.

By applying these concepts to their parenting, parents can help their teen navigate the challenges of adolescence with greater ease and confidence. By building a strong, loving relationship with their teenager, parents can also lay the foundation for a positive and fulfilling relationship that can last a lifetime.

girl in red hat holding book
two toddler girl and boy sitting on concrete bench near outdoor during daytime


“Wonderful Ways to Love a Teen” is a practical and insightful guide for parents who want to build a stronger relationship with their teenager. The book presents a range of concepts and strategies that are grounded in research and are applicable to real-world situations.

One of the strengths of the book is its emphasis on active listening. The author provides practical tips and examples for how parents can listen to their teens in a way that shows that they are valued and respected. This approach can help parents build trust and understanding with their teenager and can lead to deeper and more meaningful conversations.

Overall, “Wonderful Ways to Love a Teen” is a valuable resource for parents who want to build a stronger relationship with their teenager. The book is well-written, easy to read, and full of practical advice and strategies that are grounded in research. I would highly recommend this book to any parent who wants to improve their relationship with their teen and help them navigate the challenges of adolescence with greater ease and confidence.


Overall, “Wonderful Ways to Love a Teen” is a practical and insightful guide for parents looking to build a stronger relationship with their teenager. Its key concepts, such as active listening, setting boundaries, and expressing love and appreciation, are grounded in research and can be easily applied to real-life situations.

The book’s practical advice is presented in a clear and accessible manner, making it an excellent resource for busy parents looking to navigate the challenges of parenting a teenager with greater ease and confidence.

By following the guidance provided in “Wonderful Ways to Love a Teen,” parents can develop a deeper understanding of their teenager’s experiences and emotions, build a stronger bond with their child, and create a more supportive and positive environment for their teen. It is a highly recommended read for any parent looking to improve their relationship with their teenager and support them during the tumultuous teenage years.

man in white crew neck t-shirt and black and white floral pants holding girl in in near on on

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